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Kids bikes cycle parking at a nursery in Oldenburg. So far only one parent regularly blocks the pavement with an SUV, see #67268

Mercedes SUV at child nursery Most children walk or cycle (see picture #19078) to this local child nursery. One selfish mother takes her Chelsea Tractor on the school run and parks it right at the entrance, blocking the pavement and much ... [more]

Chelsea tractor on the school run Most children walk or cycle to this local child nursery. One selfish mother parks her black Mercedes SUV right at the entrance, blocking the pavement and much of the narrow road. Pictures of a similar ... [more]

Nuffield Road is considered to become one of the main access routes for walking and cycling to the . See also #46643

We have suggested that Nuffield Road’s residential section be cut off for motorised through traffic just past Discovery Way (in the bend by the allotments), and that the industrial section of Nuffield Road be opened up to Milton Road via ... [more]

With the construction of the Science Park Station Cambridge Cycling Campaign asks to improve access routes for cyclists and pedestrians (e.g. through Nuffield Road for the medical centre and the school run) and to reduce conflicts with moto ... [more]

‘We want to see Nuffield Road closed near the planned access to the new station and building a new access from Milton Road to the industrial area.’ . See also #46654.

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